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Company Philosophy


ProNatura, Sustainable and Adapted Tourism is born looking for opportunities to offer impressive activities from the tourist point of view, enabling the enjoyment of Nature, and at the same time being coherent and responsible in many other ways.

Care and respect for Nature and Protected Areas is always our goal. We know ourselves to be sporadic guests of such Nature, who at times shows us her most beautiful face, while we know and respect her other fragile face and the delicate balance.


In the same way, we are impressed by these people, who have been able to survive with it since ancient times. They  have interacted and even managed to improve it, since in our territory , Man and his traditional activity are equally important. We can not and we do not want to imagine these villages without their people. That is why in our activities, we always value and praise the figure of the shepherd, the rural teacher, the mountain woman, the singular craftsman or the old wise man always present in all villages... we want this to continue to be real, and we must contribute firmly so that the endangered figure of the "rural child" does not disappear.


Fernando Abarquero.


Everyone knows me as Fer, and in a matter of minutes you will realize that I am a very close person. I love transmitting passion, respect and knowledge of nature ... it is something innate to me.
The imprint that Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente has left on me, trips around the world visiting National Parks, and a spirit focused on communication and the transmission of the value of nature, echoes in my words while I strive to make them simple since the great show of nature on our routes speaks for itself.


I am 38 years old, and practically my whole life has been intimately linked to nature. Ever since my childhood, and then always through sport, during my studies ... and later with my profession (first working for the Administration) and now in this beautiful and exciting stage as a young entrepreneur.

In spite of my education in science (I have a Master Degree in Environmental Sciences, MSc. Protected Areas, and specialized in flora and fauna management and conservation and interpretation of the landscape), I have a interest in language

learning ... This is probably because languages help me to understand another of my passions, which is to know the people and their customs, the traditional uses, the traditional architecture... this is the Ethnography, and how Man and all this has interacted for thousands of years with nature.


As a personal challenge, I have proposed myself to make accessible and "for all" the possibility of approaching nature live in first person, regardless of age, physical condition or disability. For family reasons I have had a closeness that has generated in me a sensitivity towards people with disabilities and towards other disadvantaged groups. Therefore, in addition to the experience, I have trained and conducted specific courses and I intend to bring nature closer to them, and to all ...  I sincerely believe in the healing power of spending pleasant, quality time in nature.


Emma Prieto.


I'm Emma and I'm a Mountain Guide with more than 20 years of Mountain experience. My passion is sport and nature. Since the 90's I have focused my professional activity on mountain and nature sports, while I have been studying and taking official titles and accreditations that have been appearing in Spain.


I bring the professional touch when it comes to sports, I design and organize activities. I have specialized myself in cartography and orientation, as well as mountain biking, snowshoeing and canyoning.


I combine this job with the Official Information Service for the Picos de Europa National Park. Therefore I feel privileged to be able to develop my work within such an environmentally valueable scenario as we do. My wish is to generate knowledge and respect for nature in all of you.

All these years, I have spent my time enjoying my hobbies and my job as a professional guide: preparing and interpreting topographic maps, planning routes, guiding groups hikking, snowshoeing, traverse ski touring, mountain biking, rollerblading , canyoning, caving, climbing ... in short, living nature and the mountain from all angles.
My main interest is to guide you safely, comfortably and confidently so that you can enjoy the spectacular landscapes without worry and leaving the logistics in my hands.


Take a look at the activities I have prepared for you and take home a little bit of nature.

ProNatura Style.


Human quality as well as our professional character is the hallmark of ProNatura.
We place care, affection and closeness to the people who decide to come with us.

Of course, we bring a touch of quality and professionalism that is visible in our daily work and in our Curriculums, as well as in the ongoing training we have been doing year after year to continue improving and learning.


This professional level always seeks a balance in using "human words" to describe what Science and Nature sometimes hide, or is not so present for less expert eyes. Let's try to look through our eyes, so you can see on a deeper level the spectacular wonder that surrounds us on our routes.


Another key in our activities is you. The type of people who come with us to do this kind of activity are people a little "special", already with a sensitivity and motivation, which generates an incredible environment. Sharing routes in many occasions  with small groups of people, joining to spend a day together and live an experience in Nature ... little by little the initial shyness is lost, and suddenly realizing the experience becomes an unforgettable day.


Lets Go!


After many years of studies, after many years living in the mountains, after having worked hard for others ... ProNatura is born without "less" ambition than share special moments in nature with anyone willing to let go.

It is born thanks to you (family, friends and dear "clients") you have transmitted to me that it is worth doing and showing this, in a professional, affectionate and close way as I do it ... we have moved together, we have lived unique moments together , and we will continue doing it. So thank you deep in my heart ... sincerely thank you.


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